
6 Movie Reviews

Love this episode that connects things from the comics (and Kirby 64 in general) with the Waddle Dee hire, along with sprinkling some foreshadowing. The Ribbon cameo was good too and Adeliene's social post was a top-tier wholesome mom moment. Great job, can't wait till the next one.

Adeleine really lived up to her title as the Kirby Guardian here. Loved that she spared the GaoGao and fed it once it stopped being hostile, the old Ado probably wouldn't have done that.

Great job!

It's cool to see you utilize some 3D. I like that you used some of your previous non-Loose Ends animation as the film that they're watching and remixed it with audio from a movie. Rodney thought he was real slick suggesting that. Ah well, you'll get 'em next time, pardner (but not really).

Cool toon!

The Eye Doctor/Dentist gag got me good. I also like the vocal evolution of Derby's VA, still keeping that "fake cutie" vibe while reining it in so she can play straight man. Great job!

I know a guy in Free Country USA who could go for a cool, glass of Pearmonade. Or was it Melonade? Eh, he'll probably still love it.

This one was pretty good! Loved the layout and prop designs. The low poly models have a bit of charm to them I'd say. Music was fitting as usual; Dez's song was pretty cute.

Good to see Spud Razor back, even for just a little bit. The cameos of your characters from other series like Pike's Lagoon were also nice. Ngl I was expecting Butterslick's head to melt once he drank the hot Pearmonade (and still enjoy it) but that's just nitpicking.

Rodney once again stole the show. Love his VA nailed his delivery in his monologue when he found out that giving Maggie money gives Sammy money, as well as when he was trying to take over the stand for himself. Really added to the humor of the writing. Speaking of delivery, special shoutout goes to Derby's VA for her delivery when Rodney handed her his "pearmonade".

Looking forward to the next one.

The audio's much better on here than it was on Youtube. Glad to see you found the right version and the enhanced sound definitely helps with the line deliveries of some chars.

Love the cameos of the Pike's Lagoon chars. I found the animation on Frilligan when he walks over to his match to be especially fluid. And his interactions with Derby were hilarious. Also nice to see Derby back again; her hyper-competitive, "cute, but malicious" personality works well with the rest of the cast. She especially serves as a great foil to Rodney and his "arrogant, but bumbling" personality as the bowling episode can attest to.

The animation for the turbochin logo was pretty slick; I think one of your strong suits is making animations that perfectly mimic the time period it's emulating.

Smiled a lot at the Smash meta-jokes, from the characters to the moves, to the competitive scene.

Looking forward to the next episode.

Just a duck who draws.


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